
Publications 24/01/20

Residential Auction Market Outlook 2020

Residential Auction | Auction Market Outlook

The end of 2019 not only marked the end of the decade but also the end of four years of political chaos and uncertainty acro...

News 21/01/20

Allsop offers exceptional range and quality in February commercial auction catalogue

Commercial Auction

Allsop’s first commercial auction catalogue of the year offers 113 lots offering a total rental income of £5.9m, along with ...

Blog 20/01/20

Yield hungry? Don’t overlook secondary towns and cities

Residential Investment

The UK’s secondary towns and cities are often referred to as our Cinderella locations, but many have lots to offer the savvy...

Blog 14/01/20

Housing associations benefit from best price and transparency at auctions. Here’s how

Residential Auction

When an organisation or investor is looking to liquidate its assets and raise capital, an auction platform can be an effecti...

Publications 14/01/20

Insights into the Commercial Auction Market in 2019 Annual Review

Commercial Auction | Auction Market Outlook

Strong appetite for commercial assets in 2019 gives boost to Allsop Commercial Auctions Auctions raise £433m from 631 lots w...

Blog 13/01/20

Are you looking to sell your land? Here’s how

Land & Development

Many landowners are increasingly tempted to sell their land for development, usually under an option agreement. An option agr...

Blog 10/01/20

Boris, Brexit, Bounce – do these words belong together when referring to the housing market?

Residential Property | Land & Development

The closing months of 2019 saw the UK election campaign culminating in a landslide win for the conservative party with it’s ...

Blog 09/12/19

Degree Apprenticeships: Expelling the Myths

Apprenticeships | Graduates

University had always been my go to plan and throughout school the UCAS process is at the forefront of students minds. Just ...

Blog 03/12/19

The rarity value of regulated tenancies

For those browsing the Allsop residential catalogue, you will have seen the wide-range of properties that we take to the auc...

Blog 21/11/19

Sell my home by auction

Five words you may never expect to enter into Google. Why? Auctions are sometimes perceived as a dumping ground and one whic...

News 20/11/19

Allsop boosts its Board with appointment of new non-executive director

We have appointed Jamie Hopkins, former CEO of Workspace Group, a leading provider of business space, to our Board as a non-e...

Blog 04/11/19

The benefits of buying second hand student accommodation

Most people prefer to buy new but sometimes it doesn’t make any sense when the older version is equally as good. You can hav...

Blog 28/10/19

The chase for long income


In a world of low interest rates, volatile markets and political uncertainty, predictable long-income assets are increasingly...

Blog 24/10/19

The ground rules on ground rent

Residential Auction | Ground Rents

For nearly two years now the once rock–steady ground rent market has been functioning under the shadow of growing political ...

Blog 10/10/19

Why does suburban Build to Rent housing hold so much appeal for investors?

Build to Rent

Build to Rent (BTR) in the UK has primarily been associated with new build blocks of apartments located in major city centre...