What was your route to the graduate scheme?

I joined Allsop in June 2021. Like many people, I did not know what I wanted to do after I finished sixth form, so I decided to study a general degree in Business at Nottingham Trent University. After completing a year in industry in the Construction and Mining sector, I wanted to explore a career in the property sector. I then completed a Masters at Nottingham Trent in Property Development & Planning. I was fortunate to gain a role at a Business Rates consultancy during the Covid period before then applying for the Allsop Graduate scheme.

What attracted you to Allsop?

I was attracted to Allsop due to the size of the firm. I wanted to work for a smaller firm where I believed I would get valuable exposure and experience with a wide range of employment levels including Partners, to complete my APC. I also knew the firm offered a wide range of rotations in unique seats which other firms typically do not offer including Auctions.

How did you find the interview process?

I found the interview process straight forward. The initial application process of a CV and Cover Letter answering a few simple questions made it comfortable and the further tests which other firms and industries used were avoided!

At my first interview, I was met by a current graduate who was able to tell me more about Allsop in an informal manner which really helped calm my nerves. The interview felt like an informal chat where I was able to put my personality across but also find out more about the graduate scheme and the different teams. The second interview was more challenging where I had to present my thoughts on different properties in a hypothetical scenario. I found this interesting as after this, the Partners were able to explain the different properties to me and give feedback. This gave me good insight into what Allsop do and what I can expect to get involved with when joining the Graduate Scheme.

What was your first rotation?

My first rotation was in the Commercial Valuation team. I found this an excellent first seat as Valuation provides the foundation of surveying. As is standard across the firm, I was working alongside Associates and Partners in the team where I gained experience on a wide range of assets including office, industrial and retail. I gained exposure on inspecting and measuring property as well as the technical side of industry standard software to value property.

Where did you go next?

My second rotation was in Residential Auction which I was excited to join because Auctions is a fundamental department of Allsop. I was excited to gain valuable experience in a Residential seat, because I had limited exposure to residential property. The seat is fast paced and consists of approximately six  week long auction cycles to include pricing a wide range of assets, inspecting, drafting particulars for print deadline, marketing, helping interested parties register to bid and then the auction day itself. A graduate within this team is relied upon and treated as a vital member of the team which helps build confidence leading on to your next rotation and future career.

How did Allsop help you prepare for your APC 

Allsop provides endless support during the APC. Within each team I was allocated a supervisor who would provide day to day support and help guide how professional work links to the APC Competencies. My supervisors ensured I was getting the appropriate experience in each seat and would provide regular Q&A sessions to ensure my knowledge was up to date.

I was also allocated a counsellor who would help directly with APC submissions and general guidance throughout the graduate scheme on any questions I had. Throughout the firm, many of the surveyors, associates and partners started their careers on the graduate scheme so there is plenty of support in every team. This is helpful close to the APC as colleagues, some of whom are APC assessors, conduct mock interviews to ensure we are ready for the final interview.

Tell us about the social side of Allsop

Allsop is a very sociable firm where multiple events are organised throughout the year to get the firm together. As a wider firm, social events have included the Land Aid 10k charity run and the Allsop Charity Mixed Netball tournament. As graduates, events include welcome Pizza and Drinks when new Graduates start, Graduate away day to Brighton and our Graduate Christmas party in Leeds.